Japanese Knotweed


Japanese Knotweed  has more resveratrol that most common food sources such as the skin of red grapes, dark chocolate, peanuts or even blueberries.

Japanese Knotweed has a very high source of bio active resveratrol (trans-resveratrol).

Although Japanese Knotweed  is known as an invasive plant that grows  in Japan, China, and Korea,  it was introduced from the United Kingdom and grows in moist open areas.

Japanese Knotweed is common in the North East all the way down to Georgia and even found in some parts of Oregon and Washington.

In Japan, it is common for the Japanese Knotweed to be stripped of its leaves (which are then dried and commonly used as “Itadori Tea”) and the stalks are then boiled and seasoned.

It has a slightly earthy and slightly tart taste.  The texture reminds me of asparagus. Some people say it reminds them of lemon grass.

Japanese Knotweed: How to EAT:

Here are 3 tips on how to BOOST antioxidants (Namely pairing other antioxidants with Resveratrol):

The EASIEST and MOST Flexible ways to eat Japanese Knotweed is to purchase the organic powdered version of this.

Japanese Knotweed has a subtle earthy taste and only slightly tart, that you could add this powder to almost anything without any detection.  However, if you wanted to add more, it would could be complimentary to foods such as:


-berry or lemon pie filling

-sauces (tomato, desserts)

-jams/ chutneys

-soups (Thai lemongrass soup would taste great!)

Tip #1: Add to Matcha Tea or just add boiling water for “Itadori Tea” Resveratrol + Epigallocatechin gallate

Japanese Knotweed was and is still used today for pain relief such as :

-throat/mouth pain


-inflammation of sore throat, bronchitis

The word “Ita” is pain in Japanese and the word “tori” is removal or to take .  When you pair the word together, it becomes “Itadori”.

Matcha is full of many beneficial antioxidants that reduce inflammation, reduce cancer risk, and helps support brain, liver, and gut functions. The main antioxidant that has made matcha renowned for its healing properties is Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)

Studies have shown that when a supplementation of the antioxidants EGCG and resveratrol are combined, it suggested that it had inhibitory affects on specific cancer cells.

Other studies showed that it had neuroprotective affects for the brain from neurotoxins that could lead to neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

Food Derived 89% EGCG + Resveratrol + Vitamin C + Zinc Supplement my clients

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Tip #2: Add Japanese Knotweed powder to Protein Shakes= Resveratrol + Anthocyanins + Vitamin C:

Adding several variety of berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and other berries boosts vitamin C plus the antioxidant found in berries called anthocyanins that also great reduces inflammation BOTH throughout the body and the skin.

Combining ingredients such as berries and Japanese knotweed powder will introduce the antioxidant combination of resveratrol and anthocyanins and vitamin C into your daily diet.  This is especially beneficial for people with any inflammatory diseases as well as common inflammatory skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and acne.

Anthocyanins also can increase the activity of the antioxidant enzymes within the mitochondria of the cells.

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Tip #3: Resveratrol is Fat soluble: 

If using the Japanese Knotweed powder, remember to pair it with some fats in your food or in the smoothie such as yogurt.

I can see why the French would pair red wine with cheeses and meats.

Resveratrol: who it may NOT be best for:

Resveratrol is a phytoestrogen.  For women who are estrogen dominant, have had or has breast, ovarian, uterine cancer this may not work well with you. Although one must consume quite a bit of trans resveratrol, one should consult a doctor if you are estrogen dominant.

Others who are low in estrogen (such as post menopausal women) this may naturally be beneficial for you .

For men, some studies have shown that resveratrol can be an estrogen blocker .  The resveratrol has demonstrated to be an effective aromatase inhibitor which prevents the testosterone from converting to estrogen.

Resveratrol applied topically is best for drier, senstive, mature skin types.  Post menopausal skin lacks moisture, elasticity, and increases in senstivity.

The tolerance for many acid based products usually is lowered and mature post menopausal skin typically responds better with resveratrol and  vitamin c derivatives that are cream based serums.

For more information on Antioxidants and your skin:

The TRUTH about Vitamin C and YOUR Skin

BEST Time to Apply Vitamin C Serum


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