Your Hand Sanitizer Is Not Working Because:  5 Myths Vs Truth

Your Hand Sanitizer Is Not Working Because: 5 Myths Vs Truth

Your hand sanitizer is NOT working because…5 truths vs Myths. Not only is the recent spread of COVID-19 causing the sales of hand sanitizers to go through the roof, so are the myths and misinformation regarding the use of hand sanitizers.

So much so that the US Federal Drug Administration has a FAQ section regarding hand sanitizers on their website.

Myth #1: Hand Sanitizers are MORE effective than plain soap and water against COVID-19:

TRUTH: The best and most effective way for consumers to prevent the spreading of any disease is to WASH. YOUR. HANDS. Thoroughly.

Wash your hands with soap-rub vigorously to create foam. Foam breaks down the lipid barrier that protects the virus. When you break down that lipid barrier, the virus breaks down and dissolves.

-Water temperature must be at least 77 f / 25c . Heat melts lipid around the virus.

-Wash your hands well between your fingers and nails, especially if you have longer nails where bacteria, virus and germs can hide, for at LEAST 20 SECONDS ( sing the Happy Birthday song 2x).

***PRO TIP**

If you are wearing short sleeves, wash up to your elbow. If you are using your elbow to sneeze into, push elevator buttons, push doors open, then get into the habit of washing your forearms and elbows if they are exposed.

The best option is to wash your hands. If you can’t, THEN use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-65% Alcohol.


MYTH#2: If my Hand Sanitizer does NOT have alcohol or enough alcohol, I can just add MORE ALCOHOL.

TRUTH: THIS IS FALSE. According to FDA guidelines, adding alcohol to a hand sanitizer can make the product ineffective.

The FDA published a temporary policy for preparing certain alcohol based hand sanitizers that I will include in the links below.

***PRO TIP***: Hand Sanitizers that are ALCOHOL FREE or marketed for SENSITIVE SKIN (non-drying) (less alcohol than what the FDA recommends to fight COVID-19). Another alternative ingredient that may be used is Benzalkonium Chloride.

According to CDC, this ingredient is NOT as reliable against the corona virus as other alcohols.

MYTH#3: I can just make my OWN hand sanitizer.

TRUTH: Your hand sanitizer is NOT working because …

The FDA does not have any systems in place to verify methods being used to create hand sanitizers at home and if they are even safe for human skin.

MYTH#4: Hand Sanitizers are still effective after the expiration date.

TRUTH: Your hand sanitizer is NOT Working because…

Generally speaking, OTC (over the counter) drug products must list expiration date unless they have data that shows the product to be stable more than 3 years.

FDA doesn’t have any info on the effectiveness of products PAST the expiration date.

**CAVEAT- Hand Sanitizers produced under temporary policies for hand sanitizer production may NOT have an expiration date since they are expected to be used during this public health emergency.


MYTH#5: I can use disinfecting wipes such as Clorox disinfecting wipes on my hands and body, they are basically the SAME thing.

TRUTH: Household cleansers and disinfecting wipes were not created or meant to be used on animals or human skin. It was designed for NON-POROUS surfaces.

***PRO TIP**: 3 Levels of Contamination

1st Level: SANITIZE Lowest level

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), just removing dirt/debris reduces the amount of disease causing organisms/objects on LIVE TISSUE.


-Washing hands with soap

-Using hand sanitizers

-Washing dishes by hand

LEVEL 2: DISINFECTION-Using antimicrobial ingredients on NON LIVING objects /non porous surfaces to kill inactive microorganisms.

May NOT kill ALL:






Using disinfecting wipes to wipe off counter

Washing implements and then submersing in quats orBarbicide

LEVEL3: STERILIZATION- Highest level of decontamination






Pressure to Kill or inactivate ALL disease causing microbes, fungus, spores, and virus


Washing implements with soap and warm water. Drying off and them placing in medical autoclave at 250 degrees.


If you find that your hands are dry, red, itchy and may even have atopic dermatitis, then stay tuned next week where we address, treating dry hands from Hand Sanitizer.

Home Remedies for Dry and Dehydrated Skin

How to Treat Dry and Dehydrated Skin: Do this ONE THING




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