Radio Frequency Machine For Home Use

Radio Frequency machine for home use can be used for skin tightening for the face, neck, arms, and other parts of the body.

Radio frequency machine for home use can be used for skin tightening to help stimulate collagen and elastin to help tighten loose skin around the jawline, neck, the underside of arms, above the knees and thigh area.

The Radio Frequency machine is an alternative to more invasive procedures such as plastic surgery or laser surgery especially if the sagging is NOT drastic.

Best Treatment for Loose Neck skin:

Please be aware that if you notice that your neck is looking a little more crepey but NOT completely sagging a radio frequency machine for home use will work more effectively than any neck cream.

Neck cream can help improve the appearance of crepey skin but if you think that your neck looks like the metaphorical “turkey neck”, then more invasive procedures may be necessary. If there is so much loose skin that is sagging away from the muscles, then more invasive procedures may be a better option where they would remove excess skin and fat to tighten up the neck and jawline.

If the neck just has some loose skin, an at home radio frequency machine may be a better option than having to go in weekly for a professional treatment or the machine can help keep up the results from a more invasive procedure.

Radio Frequency machine for Skin Tightening:

A radio frequency machine for skin tightening is used as a way to stimulate collagen production to help firm up the skin . Clinical studies (link to the study below) have shown that it does increase collagen in the skin.

As we age, our skin produces less and less collagen and elastin.

Environmental factors such as exposure to UV rays, blue rays, and for women, as we age, the estrogen that stimulates the production of elastin and collagen becomes less and less…so much so that the skin starts to look and feel different.

Collagen is like the springs or coils in a bed. It gives the skin plushness and fullness. The older and more usage the bed gets, the tightly coiled springs will start to loosen and the bed will begin to loose its shape and bounce and ultimately will begin to start to sag.

Elastin is what gives skin its elasticity so the skin can stretch back into its original shape.

It is a key protein that helps the skin stretch and bounce to its original shape . When skin starts to loose its elasticity, it will form scars over time which we know as fine lines and wrinkles and sagging of the skin.


Radio Frequency uses electrical current that goes back and forth forcing the charged molecules and ions to collide creating heat.

You can use:



-unipolar devices

Each device can have a different level of penetration.

What Radio Frequency thermal stimulation can do is that it can create a very low level of inflammation in the skin to help stimulate and promote collagen production.

This particular radio frequency machine for home use can be used for skin tightening of:

-Sagging jowls

-Loose skin on tummy


-Skin underneath the arms


The radio frequency machine can also be treated for:

-wrinkle reduction

-improving the appearance of cellulite

-body contouring

The Nebulyft radio frequency at home device uses 5th generation micro radio frequency vs 4th generation which is more common.

Nebulyft Radio Frequency Machine at home use Specs:

-256 Radio Frequency micro-electrodes-Evenly distributed energy so there is zero burning or overheating as a side effect.

-No downtime

-Portable and comes with a wireless charger

-Intelligent temperature control can detect the different areas of your face so it can evenly distribute the right amount energy such as the forehead vs the cheek.

-It keeps the temperature below 107.6 F degrees at all times.

Although the levels of heat are low, I do not recommend this for skin types that have heavy pigmentation or melasma.

If you want tightening of the skin AND brightening of hyperpigmentation and looking for botox alternatives:

Myolift Mini Product Review-Botox Alternatives

Anti Aging Tip: Botox Alternatives for Fine lines and Wrinkles, Sagging Skin and Hyperpigmentation

Age Spots and uneven skin tone may respond better to radio frequency.

Nebulyft: How to use:

It is recommended to use at night. However, it can be used during the day to address facial puffiness but it is highly recommended to use sunscreen after usage if you are going outside.

  • On freshly cleansed skin (it is not recommended to apply any serums or lotions , which may impede use), apply the head of the Nebulyft radio frequency machine flat on the skin.
  • Make sure you have evenly applied the conductivity gel ON the head of the machine covering all the electrodes and NOT on the skin.
  • Gently massage in circular motion on the skin.
  • Use the machine for 2 minutes on each area. The Radio Frequency machine will vibrate to let you know when to move onto the next area.
  • ***ALWAYS start on level 1 (especially if you have sensitive skin) and when your skin builds up a tolerance, you can move up to level 2 and slowly increase the levels .
  • Extremely sensitive skin may not be able to increase the levels and that is fine. Your skin will tell you. It is normal for your skin to turn slightly pink or red.
  • Wipe off excess gel off the face . You may rinse off and continue onto the next step in your skin care regimen.
  • Wipe off excess gel from the machine and use a cotton pad to wipe off the head of the radio frequency machine with 70% alcohol. DO NOT PUT UNDER RUNNING WATER.

***If you are interested in the Nebylyft Radio Frequency at home machine for skin tightening, you may use this affiliate code to receive $50 OFF and FREE Conductivity Gel ($60 retail value).



I will also be doing a follow up video and post on the BEFORE AND AFTER of my neck, where I will have used it for at least 30 days. Please stay tuned!


Sources used:

Using Radio Frequency for Skin Tightening

Using For Perioral and Nasalabial Folds Microneedling Radio Frequency

Radio Frequency used for treatment of Cellulite


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