5 Warning Signs Of Skin Cancer

5 Warning Signs Of Skin Cancer

The 5 Warning Signs of Skin Cancer and other additional signs to look for that may indicate skin cancer:

Have you ever wondered, “How can I tell if I have skin cancer?”

What if you don’t have any moles on your body, could you still have skin cancer?

Is sunscreen the only way you can prevent skin cancer?

Sunscreen: What The Beauty Industry is NOT Telling you

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month so we are going to be discussing the 5 warning signs of skin cancer.

Since more people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year (more than any other cancer) in the US, we thought that more people should know about these tips:

5 Warning Signs of Skin Cancer

Asymmetry- one half of the mole/birthmark/spot doesn’t match the other.

Border- edges are ragged, blurred, and irregular

Color- the color is NOT the same all over and can include shades of: black, brown, pink, red, white, or even blue.

Diameter- the spot/mole/birthmark is larger than 6 millimeters across (about the size of a pencil eraser). Sometimes melanoma may be smaller than this.

Evolution or Elevation- this is the most important when it comes to diagnosing melanoma; when the appearance, size, color, or shape has changed, or the surface is raised or uneven.


Other Warning Signs

  1. A sore that doesn’t heal.
  2. Spreading of pigment from the border of the mole or mark to surrounding skin.
  3. Redness/new swelling beyond the border.
  4. Itchiness/redness or pain.
  5. If the mole starts to ooze, bleed, become scaly, or a bump or nodule appears.
  6. The mole appears to be very different from your other moles.

If you think all you have to do is wear sunscreen to avoid skin cancer, not according to Stanford University Dermatologists.

They reviewed the CDC National Survey data and concluded that people who solely relied on sunscreens for protection had more sunburns than people who reported irregular sunscreen use but wore hats and clothing to shield themselves from the sun and sunburns.

Remember, sunburns are related to skin cancer.

The consensus among researchers is that the most important step people can take to reduce melanoma risk is to avoid sunburn, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid all sun exposure.

When checking for any skin irregularities, most people would think to look on the arms, legs, or any other area regularly exposed to the Sun.

However, melanoma can also appear in the areas such as fingernails/toenail beds, in between fingers and toes, soles of your feet, scalp, and groin.

My brother-in-law had skin cancer removed from inside his belly button!

Skin Cancer: Men vs Women

Men- the most common areas for skin cancer are neck, ears, and back.

Women- the most common areas for skin cancer are the legs.

Men are three times more likely than women to get skin cancer.

People between the ages of 45-54 are in the most common age range when skin cancer is found.

If you have a family history of skin cancer, then your risk for getting skin cancer also goes up.

Sunscreens cannot be the only protection from skin cancer

If you think that just using sunscreen will protect you from skin cancer, please watch this video on:

Sunscreen: What the Beauty Industry is NOT Telling You

The TRUTH Behind High SPF Sunscreens

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