Vitamin F For Skin

Vitamin F for skin. The F in vitamin F stands for “Fat” or essential fatty acids. This also is known as lipids and are essential in having healthy skin.

Vitamin F is made up two essential fatty acids.

One is Alpha Linolenic acid (ALA) which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid and the other is Linoleic acid (LA) which is rich in omega 6 fatty acid. You need both to help create and build healthy skin.


Vitamin F for Fine Lines and Wrinkles:


This may be one of the reasons you may be experiencing perpetually dry cracked skin. Your skin may be lacking in essential fatty acids otherwise known as Vitamin F whether it may be due to diet , over exfoliation and or extremely dry conditions such as winter and being in very dry air caused by the heater.

Wrinkles are basically the scarring of the skin where it has lost its elasticity and break down of collagen so the repeated folding and crinkling of the skin when you frown, smile, laugh or any other repeated facial expressions can eventually lead to the fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin F helps keep the skin supple and moisturized, which can help prevent injury to the skin.


Vitamin F Diet to prevent Aging of the Skin:

Clinical studies have shown that eating a diet higher in these essential fatty acids such as the Linoleic and Alpha Linoleic acid can help reduce inflammation of the skin while also aiding in building up skin cell membranes needed for healthy skin.

Here are some foods that are rich in Vitamin F:

-“Fishy Fish” such as salmon, tuna, Mackerel and shellfish


Seeds such as:






and nuts such as walnut


Oils such as:





Leafy greens are also included in this .


Vitamin F Supplements:

Some people are vegan or they don’t prefer fish or any type of seafood. There are supplements that contain the Omega 3 fish oil .

This particular one has one of the most powerful antioxidants known as Astaxanthin. It is 6000x more powerful than vitamin C and because it comes from micro algae , the antioxidant benefits actually increase when exposed to blue and red rays from the UV rays. (sources are below) , UNLIKE Vitamin C which breaks down when exposed to heat, air and light.

It is called DHA OMEGA 3 ULTRA.


VEGAN OPTION: The following option is for people who prefer not to get their essential fatty acids from fish, this one comes from plant based algae oil. This is called Vegan-Omega 3.


In 2008, a clinical study was done on 4025 between the ages of 40-74. They wanted to see how diet was linked to skin aging.

In one particular study, with a group of 13 patients, they introduced a higher linoleic acid diet to a group of women who had drier, mature atrophied skin. This data comes from the First National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey.

The group took a fish oil supplement for three months and they also were induced to UVB rays.

They wanted to see what would happen to their skin.

What they found was that the group was less likely to experience UVB induced sun rash as well as faster healing of the skin.

They also observed that their skin had less skin wrinkles and increased skin elasticity.

There is another study that a group of women took supplements of Vitamin A, C, E Pycnogenol, and Primrose oil, it showed that after being exposed to UV B rays, their skin showed less inflammation and increased elasticity.


**PRO TIPS are in the video***

Vitamin F Skin Care Products:

If you would also like to supplement your diet and your dry cracked skin needs immediate attention, here are some products that contain ingredients with a high amount of these essential fatty acids.

**Please note that if you have OILY skin that is dry because of using acne control products, your problem may not be that your skin is lacking vitamin f but that you need more water in your skin, once the hydration levels increase, the oils will return to the skin. Otherwise, your skin may break out.

There are different levels of moisturizers for different types of skin:

Best Types of Moisturizers for OILY SKIN

Best Dry Skin Moisturizer for Face

Best Peptides for Skin- Best Peptides for Anti Aging

Sunflower oil: Level 3 Moisturizer – Naturally has a higher amount of the natural essential fatty acids your skin may need. Make sure it is cold pressed and formulated for hair, skin and massage so the texture is lighter and more easily absorbed into the skin. The food grade sunflower oil may be combined with other oils more suitable for cooking and may be combined with canola oil, olive oil,etc.


Md Dermaceutical Overnight Repair Cream is a very good balance of humectants, emollients and occlusive properties to help balance out the water and oil levels in your skin .

This cream contains a blend of:

– humectants (bringing hydration to the skin)

-occlusives (keeping moisture in)

-emollients (keep the skin smooth and soft).

Paraben and fragrance free. Ideal for sensitive skin.


– Deeply hydrating by using a blend of Aloe Vera Gel (Organic), Kosher Vegetable Glycerin

Emollients with essential fatty acids for dry, mature skin:

-Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Shea Butter and Cetyl Alcohol for natural emollients

-Sunflower Oil -restores and helps keep integrity of stratum corneum and reduces inflammation. High in Omega 6 Linoleic Acid. High in Vitamins A, E and D.

-Antioxidants- Vitamin C (third ingredient on the list), Vitamin E, Vitamin B5, and Green Tea extract




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